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Rotator Cuff

Rotator Cuff Massage Therapy Nassau County NY

Rotator Cuff Massage Therapy Nassau County NY
Contact Eugene Wood Licensed Massage Therapist for Rotator Cuff Treatments
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Rotator Cuff Syndrome Massage Therapist Eugene Wood, Located in Wantagh NY 11793

"Rotator Cuff pain typically begins as a nagging dull ache in the shoulder and then progressively worsens over time or with certain activities that require the use of the shoulder. Continuing to use the shoulder with treatment may make the pain suddenly intense, depending on the cause."
-Eugene Wood,
Licensed Massage Therapist

What is Rotator Cuff Syndrome?

The rotator cuff is a group of small muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint and helps keep it stable. This group muscles and tendons also connect the upper arm bone, also known as the humerus, to the shoulder blade, which helps lift the arm and move it about.

There is also a liquid-filled sac, called the bursa, located between the rotator cuff and the top of the shoulder bone that lubricates this group of muscles, which enables them to move smoothly when the arm is in use. 

When the muscles or tendons in the rotator cuff become injured, or the bursa becomes inflamed, it can cause various symptoms in the shoulder, also known as rotator cuff syndrome. 
Rotator Cuff Syndrome Massage Therapist Eugene Wood, Located in Wantagh NY 11793, and Massapequa NY 11758
The pain typically begins as a nagging dull ache in the shoulder and then progressively worsens over time or with certain activities that require the use of the shoulder. Continuing to use the shoulder with treatment may make the pain suddenly intense, depending on the cause. 

Massage Treatment for Rotator Cuff Syndrome helps keep the shoulder muscles pliable and relaxed, which helps eliminate pain and stiffness in the soft tissues covering the shoulder joint. 
Common Symptoms

Rotator cuff syndrome exhibits itself in various ways, depending on the underlying cause; however, some of the most common symptoms include:
  • Deep, dull ache within the shoulder
  • Pain that radiates from the top of your shoulder down to your elbow 
  • Pain when lying on the affected shoulder, which can disturb your sleep 
  • Pain or weakness when reaching, especially behind your back, over your head, or to the side, such as the motion used to put on your coat or to put on your seat belt 
Sometimes as opposed to experiencing shoulder pain when moving your arm, you may experience a clicking sensation instead, especially when extending the arm at shoulder height or above your head. It is also not uncommon for some people to experience shoulder pain even while resting. 

If you are an athlete or engage in some form of sports activity, such as baseball, tennis, or football, you may notice pain when performing certain actions, such as throwing or serving a ball or even swimming. 

Common Causes
  • One of the most common causes of shoulder pain is bursitis of the rotator cuff. 
  • Bursitis rotator cuff occurs when the bursa sac becomes inflamed, resulting in pain. Occasionally, the space within the rotator cuff can become restricted, which can irritate the bursa and cause it to become swollen. 
  • Rotor cuff tendinitis, which occurs when the tendons in the rotator cuff become damaged or irritated, is also a common cause of rotator cuff syndrome. 
  • A rotator cuff impingement, which occurs when a tendon in the rotator cuff becomes pinched, can also cause rotator cuff discomfort. This condition usually occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed or swollen, causing it to become compressed by the bones in the upper shoulder joint when you move your shoulder. 
  • Trauma, such as from a fall or when you lift something too heavy, can create a tear in your rotator cuff, which can also cause pain in the rotator cuff. Two types of tears can occur within the rotator cuff: a complete tear and a partial tear. A complete tear occurs when the whole tendon is torn from the bone, causing a hollow spot in the tendon. Meanwhile, a partial tear damages the tendon but doesn't completely tear it. 
  • Some occupations, such as those that require repetitive overhead activities, like painting and construction work, can also cause tears in the rotator cuff, which can lead to various symptoms in the shoulder.
  • General wear and tear can also lead to rotator cuff issues because it puts the tendons at higher risk of injury or tearing due to their gradual degeneration, which can cause them to become weakened. 
  • A lack of blood supply, which can also occur over time, can also make the rotator cuff tendons more susceptible to tears because, without adequate blood flow, it hinders the body's ability to repair the tendons. 
  • Certain forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can also put you at risk of developing rotator cuff syndrome, as it causes pain and inflammation of the joints throughout the body, which often also affects the shoulders. Some forms of arthritis can also damage the bones and cartilage in the shoulder, which can also affect the rotator cuff. 
How Massage Therapy Treats Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Keeping the tendons and muscles in the rotator cuff flexible and at ease helps prevent many common symptoms of rotator cuff syndrome, including compressed or pinched tendons and muscle stiffness, which also often lead to a decreased range of motion and limited mobility in the shoulder, making it harder to perform normal activities. 

When this occurs, it can also force you to misuse your shoulder, which, in turn also puts increased tension and stress on the rotator cuff's components, causing further the pain and discomfort and, in some cases, can even begin to affect other areas of the body, such as the neck, resulting in referred pain and discomfort. 

Massage Therapy for Rotator Cuff Syndrome helps loosen tight and constricted shoulder muscles and tendons often caused by overworked or injured soft tissues, which enables the muscles and tendons to relax, thus helping to relieve pain and stiffness. 

It also encourages the soft tissues in the rotator cuff, as well as in surrounding areas, to their natural position for improved mobility. The increased blood flow to the area also helps keep the rotator cuff well-nourished and strong by stimulating the body's repair process, which not only speeds healing but also helps prevent future issues from occurring. 

Contact Eugene Wood Rotator Cuff Treatments

Contact Eugene Wood Rotator Cuff Treatments
If you suffer from rotator cuff pain, and you ignore it, it may only lead to further damage accompanied by chronic pain until you address the issue. In fact, the sooner you address the problem, the quicker you can experience relief. It can also help reduce the risk of surgery later on. 

When you contact Eugene for a free consultation for rotator cuff syndrome, he can begin developing a customized plan to address your specific issues, which can help prevent your symptoms from getting worse, so you never miss out on life due to persistent shoulder pain and decreased mobility. 

Please Contact Eugene Wood today.
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