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Depression Massage Therapy Nassau County NY

Depression Massage Therapy Nassau County NY. Depression Massage Therapist Eugene Wood, Located in Wantagh NY 11793
Contact Eugene Wood Depression Treatments with Massage
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Depression Massage Therapist Eugene Wood, Located in Wantagh NY 11793

"Massage Therapy increases serotonin production in the brain, which is the body's feel-good hormone that helps increase our mood, joy, and feelings of well being, which helps fight off depression, anxiety, and stress."
-Eugene Wood,
Licensed Massage Therapist

What is Depression?

Depression is a severe medical condition that is marked by excruciating sadness, usually also accompanied by feelings of uselessness and despair, that can keep you from enjoying or fully participating in your life, and it affects people of all backgrounds, sexes, and ages, including children, teens, college students, adults, and older adults. 

Depression differs from ordinary sadness, which is a healthy response to loss or opposition in your life, in that it is more continuous and debilitating. In contrast, normal sadness fades over time, and it doesn't prevent you from living your life. 

There are various types of depression, and each type usually evolves from its own circumstances, such as postpartum depression, which many women experience within two weeks after giving birth, seasonal depression, which typically occurs during the winter months when you are shut in for long periods. Then there are depressive disorders, which can last for years. 

Quite often, negative thinking or dwelling on negative events from the past can put a damper on your mood, which can lead to depression. Massage Therapy for Depression has been shown to improve both your focus as well as your mood, for a more positive outlook, which helps combat intense feelings of sadness and despair. 

Common Symptoms

Not everyone with depression will have the same symptoms or of the same severity, duration, or frequency; however, a person is usually diagnosed with depression
when they have experienced at least five of the following symptoms for a period of 14 days:
  • A feeling of guilt or low self-worth
  • Low energy or feeling tired for most of the day
  • Intense, sad mood, especially upon waking
  • Excessive sleeping or problems getting to sleep 
  • A lack of focus, memory, and decision-making 
  • Feeling slower than usual
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide
  • A loss of interest or pleasure in life
  • Increased weight from overeating or decreased weight from skipping meals
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Feeling empty
  • Digestive issues or persistent headaches or other pains 
Common Causes of Depression
  • Like most psychiatric disorders, a family history of depression is believed to contribute to depression in some individuals. This means if someone in your bloodline suffers or suffered from depression, you are at increased risk of developing the condition yourself based on your genetic makeup. 
  • Various mental disorders, such as bipolar, can also trigger depression due to the chemical imbalances it causes in the brain that causes extreme highs and extreme lows, which can cause intense sadness.
  • Sometimes a severe illness can cause depression in some people, as it can cause them to feel unwell, as well as also hinder them from participating in normal activities.
  • Certain medications, such as some antiviral medications, have also been linked to depression, especially in those who already suffer from depression. Alcohol can also increase depression in some people.
  • Retirement can also cause depression in some individuals because it may cause them to feel they no longer have a purpose. Some people may also find themselves missing the schedule and structure of work, as well as the social and intellectual interaction that kept them stimulated.
  • Your personality may also play a role in developing depression, as people who are pessimistic or who have low-self esteem tend to view life and situations more negatively, which can create a gloomy outlook that makes them depressed.
  • A cycle of abuse, poverty, and neglect can also cause depression in some people. It is also not uncommon for some past sufferers of abuse to experience depression later in life. 
How Massage Therapy Treats Depression

How Massage Therapy Treats Depression

Massage has been shown to provide many benefits for overall improved emotional and mental health. Research shows that the general hand to skin touch of massage alone provides the same valuable human contact and emotional connection that neonatal nurses provide to premature infants to help them thrive.
It also increases serotonin production in the brain, which is the body's feel-good hormone that helps increase our mood, joy, and feelings of well being, which helps fight off depression, anxiety, and stress. Some of the telltale signs you are low on serotonin is a depressed mood, negative thoughts, and low energy. 

The massage atmosphere provides the perfect place to unwind and relax, both physically and emotionally, so you feel free to let go. This form of relaxation can enable you to become more in tune with your mind for greater clarity to refocus, build self-esteem, and improve how you see yourself. 

Eugene Wood LMT, a Massage Therapist for Depression, can also incorporate various massage techniques to help relieve any physical discomfort you may be experiencing. These discomforts may include chronic muscle pain, joint pain, and back pain, which can keep you from enjoying your everyday life and even disrupt your sleep, which can also cause or increase depression. It can even be used in combination with doctor-prescribed drug therapies for improved results and, in some cases, may even help lower your dosage. 

Contact Eugene Wood Depression Treatments with Massage

If left ignored, depression could begin to interfere with your work and family life, which can only add to your feelings of despair; therefore, it is important to seek help for depression to keep it from plaguing your life. 

Massage Treatment for Depression offers a safe and effective way to help manage symptoms of depression for those who prefer treatment in a more nurturing setting. We also offer various other treatments, such as acupuncture, which provide many of the same benefits as massage for clients who may be sensitive to touch. 
Because we know that each person, as well as their circumstances for depression, differs, each of our massage treatments is also personalized to address your specific concerns, so you know you are receiving the best treatment plan for you. After customized massage treatments, many patients report feeling more relaxed, calm, and feeling a greater sense of hope. 

Please contact Eugene today for a free consultation.
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