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Massage Therapy for Hypertension in Nassau County NY

Massage Therapy for Hypertension in Nassau County NY
Contact Eugene Wood Licensed Massage Therapist
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Hypertension Massage Therapist Eugene Wood, Located in Wantagh NY 11793

"The primary way that massage helps combat hypertension is that it helps soothe the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for increasing blood pressure in response to stress. It also increases various feel-good hormones in the brain, which also aids in decreasing stress."
-Eugene Wood,
Licensed Massage Therapist

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is when your blood pressure spikes above average, which is higher than 140/90. 

Blood pressure is measured by the amount of force your blood places against your blood vessels' walls, which is determined by how dilated the blood vessels are and how much pressure is put on the heart to do its job. 

The more dilated your blood vessels, the easier it is for the heart to pump blood and for the vessels to circulate it, thus the lower your blood pressure. On the other hand, the more constricted your blood vessels, the more pressure is placed against their walls, and the harder your heart has to work to pump blood, thus the higher your blood pressure. 

If high blood pressure is left untreated, it can eventually damage the inside of the blood vessels, causing small rips in the walls, which provide spaces for bad cholesterol to form. The more damage that occurs to the blood vessels, the more plaque accumulates in the walls. As a result, the more constricted the vessels will become, consistently causing the blood pressure to rise. At the same time, it also causes damage to your heart by making it work harder to perform its job, which together puts you at risk of developing more severe conditions, such as a stroke and heart attack. 

Massage Therapy for Hypertension helps combat hypertension by providing many benefits that help keep your heart healthy and improve blood vessel dilation. In addition, massage therapy helps keep your blood pressure in check, thus lowering your risk of developing various consequential health conditions. 
The Common Symptoms of Hypertension by Hypertension Massage Therapist Eugene Wood, Located in Wantagh NY 11793
Common Symptoms of Hypertension

Hypertension is known as a silent killer because it often presents no symptoms at all until it has already reached threatening levels, during which time it can cause: 
  • Persistent headaches
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sluggishness or confusion
  • Hazy vision
  • Pain in the chest
  • Beating or throbbing in your ears, chest, or neck 
  • A change in your heart's beating pattern
  • Nosebleeds
  • Blood in your urine
Common Causes of Hypertension
  • A family history of hypertension makes some people more prone to developing the condition due to genetic abnormalities passed on from their parents.
  • As you age, it may also cause hypertension. Over time, as your body becomes more worn, it can throw your body's natural balance out of whack, which puts you at greater risk of developing various health issues, such as hypertension. 
  • Stress can also cause hypertension, as it increases stress hormones in the body, which elevate your heart rate and cause your blood vessels to contract, thus increasing your blood pressure. 
  • Being overweight also increases your risk of developing hypertension. The more fatty tissue you have, the more it increases your vascular resistance, the resistance your body must oppose to pump blood through your circulatory system to generate flow. Excess fatty tissue also increases the workload on your heart, which makes it have to work harder to pump blood, thus also increasing your risk of developing hypertension. 
  • Your diet can also play a role in developing hypertension. For instance, a diet high in salty foods decreases the kidney's ability to rid water from the body, which in turn causes fluid buildup that exerts an extra force on the blood vessels, causing your blood pressure to increase. 
  • Certain medications, such as birth control pills, decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers, and some prescription medicines, can also cause your blood pressure to spike. 
  • Consuming alcohol in excess, or more than two drinks daily, and smoking, increases your risk of developing hypertension. 
  • Not getting enough physical activity can also lead to hypertension, preventing the heart from pumping as efficiently. Meanwhile, regular exercise helps make the heart strong, which enables it to pump more blood without having to work as hard, which decreases the force on your arteries and, thus, the risk of developing high blood pressure. 
How Massage Therapy Treats Hypertension

The primary way that massage helps combat hypertension is that it helps soothe the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for increasing blood pressure in response to stress. It also increases various feel-good hormones in the brain, which also aids in decreasing stress. 

Massage also increases circulation, which helps reduce pressure on the blood vessels' walls and strengthens the heart muscle, enabling it to pump more efficiently. 

Calming massage techniques, such as Swedish massage, also help relax contracted muscles that put added stress on the heart, which helps slow the heart rate, thereby reducing the occurrence of irregular heartbeats. 

The Massage Therapist for Hypertension can also combine aromatherapy with massage to promote relaxation for improved results. During the massage, oxygen and essential nutrients are also increased in the area, which helps the body make and repair damaged cells and tissues, including those in the blood vessels, which also helps reduce hypertension. 

Research shows that in the long run, regular massage can aid in regulating the nervous system, which helps manage blood pressure. It also helps stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps keep sodium levels in check, as well as the hormonal system, which helps maintain the heart's blood flow and helps keep the arteries pliable for overall improved cardiovascular health that helps protect against hypertension. 

Contact Eugene Wood Hypertension Massage Treatments

Contact Eugene Wood Hypertension Massage Treatments
Hypertension will most likely affect everyone at some time in their life, with no apparent signs. Therefore, it is essential to manage your blood pressure to avoid significantly damaging your heart and blood vessels over time. Regular blood pressure checks, regular Massage Therapy for Hypertension, and certain lifestyle changes can help you. 

For a preventive treatment against hypertension, or if you have already been diagnosed with hypertension and would like to prevent further damage, contact us for a free consultation for massage to begin experiencing its benefits

Please Contact Eugene Wood today.
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